Newsletter for August 30, 2024

News from Unity of Arlington

~ August 30, 2024 ~

Rev. Anne Tabor

Senior Minister


A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

Unity of Arlington

3525 S. Bowen Road

Arlington, TX 76016



Knowing we are One, we celebrate peace,

compassion, and equality for all.


We empower people to live thriving spiritual lives.



Sunday, September 1, 2024

"Expect the Best"

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


New Three-Part Sunday Message Series based on

Finding Yourself in Transition: Using Life’s Changes for Spiritual Awakening by Robert Brumet


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Part 1 ~ “Life 360: Navigating Change”

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Part 2 ~ “The Sacred Passageway”

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Part 3 ~ “Dancing Through Your Life’s Transitions”

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


*Sunday, September 29, 2024

“Mission Possible”

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream

*Rev. Anne’s Sunday Finale 

Join us online!

Unity of Arlington Facebook

Unity of Arlington YouTube Channel

My Final Five

Sunday Sermons in September!


Serving as your senior minister for over 9 years has been the honor of a lifetime. As my time at Unity of Arlington comes to a close, I warmly invite you to join me for my final five Sunday services that will carry us through September.


Each week, these talks will be filled with messages of love, laughter, and light!


Let’s come together as a spiritual family to honor our time together and set the stage for the wonderful new chapter ahead for UofA. I can’t wait to see you there and share these special moments with you!

Much love,

❤️ Rev. Anne


Joe Rogers will be performing fifteen minutes of fabulous prelude music on our livestream broadcast this Sunday at 10:45am, CT!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

"Expect the Best"

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


Have you ever prayed for cream but found yourself living a skim-milk life? It’s time to get clear about what you’re praying for and how you’re showing up. In celebration of Unity World Day of Prayer, we’ll dive into the beautiful and surprising nature of prayer and how to make it a meaningful practice. Join Rev. Anne for an honest and uplifting look at prayer and why Spirit within calls you to expect the best—even when life feels a little messy. After all, if you’re going to pray, you might as well go for the full-fat version!



Guest Artist


Antonia Valdez

Sunday, September 8, 2024

“Life 360: Navigating Change"

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


Change is inevitable, but it offers a pathway to profound personal and spiritual growth. In Finding Yourself in Transition: Using Life’s Changes for Spiritual Awakening, Robert Brumet beautifully blends psychology, Eastern and Western mysticism, and Biblical insights to guide you through life’s most challenging shifts.


In Part 1 of this uplifting three-part Sunday Message Series, we’ll explore how to turn life’s transitions into opportunities for growth, much like the Life360 app helps us stay connected and guided through every turn.

Discover how to trust the process, embrace the void, and step into new beginnings with grace. Join Rev. Anne as she leads us through this transformative time in Unity of Arlington’s history, supporting you in navigating change with clarity and purpose.


Suggested reading...


Finding Yourself in Transition: Using Life's Changes for Spiritual Awakening


You can order it online from here.

Unity of Arlington

2024 Board of Trustees


Catherine Smith - President (817-929-1368) -

Caroline Jordan - Vice President (214-642-7680) -

Shirley Cobb - Secretary (817-475-5120) -

Brenda Snay Matthew -Treasurer (214-923-9522)

Aminia Baruti - Member (313-912-7763) -

Sal Monaco - Member (505-690-5125) -


*If you have any questions or comments

please reach out to connect with a Board member.


Opportunities and Upcoming Events

World Day of Prayer 2024

September 11-12, 2024 to be observed in the UofA Sanctuary and Online


We will celebrate the 31st annual Unity World Day of Prayer on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. The theme this year is "Moving Mountains" and the affirmation is "Fueled by faith, I can move mountains."


As in past years our prayer vigil will be from 12 noon – 6pm, and sign-up sheets will be available for the next two Sundays, September 1st and 8th. Please consider taking some time for quiet contemplation in this very noisy world!


Unity World Headquarters is hosting free online events Sept. 11 and 12; these can be seen at

Click here to register for the online events

SpiritGroups are Unity of Arlington's small group ministry. SpiritGroups can help you grow in your faith and spiritual practice. They provide an opportunity for you to engage in service to the community. Members of the group proactively support and care for each other. SpiritGroups also can help you gain practical insights affecting every area of your life.




NaOra Horton and Marion Tudor

Mondays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Focus- "When the Heart Heals" and Workbook by Sue Monk Kid. In person only.

Click Here to Register for the One-Ders SpiritGroup



Dian Pierce and Rebecca Rickey

Tuesdays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Focus- “The Universal Christ" by Richard Rohr.

In Person only.

Click Here to Register for the Rockers SpiritGroup



T.E.A.M. (Tuesday Evening Amazing Men)

Truman Thompson

Tuesdays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Focus- “Buddhism-It’s Not What You Think” by Steve Hagen. In person and Online.

Click Here to Register for the T.E.A.M. SpiritGroup


UNIDOS (Spanish Speaking)

José Ortiz and Mary Ortiz

Wednesdays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Focus- "Si lo crees, lo creas: Elimina tus dudas, cambia tus creencias y suelta el passado para alcanzar todo tu potencial/Believe It to Achieve It” by Brian Tracy (Spanish edition). Online only.

Click Here to Register for the UNIDOS SpiritGroup



Glenda Thompson

Saturdays: 9:00-10:30 a.m.

Focus- “Somehow: Thoughts on Love" by Anne Lamott.

In person and Online.

Click Here to Register for the SpiritSisters SpiritGroup

For more information contact: Glenda Thompson (817) 584-3106


From Your Prayer Chaplain Team


Keeper of the Flame is being re-established at Unity of Arlington.


In ancient times, a keeper of the flame was a person who literally kept a fire burning in memory of someone who was deceased. Scriptural references relate to God's desire for us to be joyful always, to pray continually, and to give thanks in all circumstances.


At Unity of Arlington, the Keeper of the Flame is one of our prayer chaplains who locates in a quiet area each Sunday to hold the high watch during services, enfolding in love and light all who enter. A small candle flickers as a symbol of the flame as the prayer chaplain holds sacred space, envisioning the highest good of all the Unity of Arlington community.


We will also be present in person or remotely during UofA meetings of the Board of Trustees, holding sacred space in gratitude for their service.  

Don’t miss the Unity of Arlington 50th Celebrations during and after Sunday services.


This Sunday, September 1st, we conclude the story of Unity of Arlington history with “The Fifth Decade." You won’t want to miss learning about the past ten years of growth, perseverance during the pandemic, and community service and outreach. We are so blessed as we enter decade number six.


Come in person or watch online to enjoy our Golden Anniversary!

Fifty Years Ago...


Marie and Keith Loynachan started a small study group in their home, encouraged by Rev. Dr. Donald Curtis from Unity of Dallas. Little did they know that they were planting the spiritual seeds for what would become Unity of Arlington!


We are infinitely grateful to Marie and Keith for their unwavering love and leadership over the years.


As we begin celebrating our 50th Anniversary, we invite you to be a part of this incredible milestone. Your generosity has always been the foundation of our success.


In honor of our 50th Anniversary, would you consider making a

special $50, $500, or maybe a $5,000 Love Offering? 


Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us continue the legacy of our beloved spiritual community that Marie and Keith began.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support and faithful giving. We are profoundly grateful for your loving commitment to our spiritual family.


We've made it easy for you to make a one-time donation

or set up recurring giving.


  • Give online by clicking here: Donate


  • Text-to-Give through Tithely by texting the word GIVE (with no quotes) to 844-363-7894 and follow the prompts on your phone.


  • Give using the Tithely Mobile App, just download the GREEN Tithely app (not the blue one) from your app store.


  • USPS: mail your check to 3525 S. Bowen Road, Arlington TX 76016.


Knowing that God is our one true Source, we thank you for allowing Spirit to flow through you in such a loving and meaningful way.


We have SO MUCH for which to be grateful!

Little Free Library


Please support our connection with our community through our Little Free Library by bringing book donations (adult, teen, fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, self help). Children's books are especially needed. Donation area available Sundays. 

Making a Difference,

One I See You Box at a Time


At Hagar’s Heart, we believe in the power of compassion and support. We started this journey with a simple but profound mission: to show survivors of domestic abuse that they are valued, cared for, and seen.

For more information or to sign up to volunteer to help pack boxes

Youth & Family Ministry


We look forward to seeing you!


YFM Director:

Ana Coca: 972-742-0109


For more info about our Youth Program, visit our YFM page:

Visit our YFM page

Dance Fitness is Back

in September!


After a summer hiatus, this low-impact aerobic exercise class returns with a variety of music including Latin, contemporary and oldies. The 45-minute class is led by Tana Monaco, who has over 10 years of teaching experience in aerobic dancing, Zumba and group fitness. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Garden Lane Center beginning Tuesday, September 3rd


Contact Tana at: (505) 690-4332


Tuesday Book Study

Tuesdays, 1:30pm - 3pm, Zoom


Join Rev. Gloria Cox's book-study group

to read Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door: How to Move Gracefully Through Change into Renewed and Abundant Life, by Ellen Debenport, Unity Minister.


Please contact Rev. Gloria with any questions. Reserve your place in the class and get the Zoom link by calling her at: 817-472-5655


Click here to purchase Hell in the Hallway... on Amazon.

A Course in Miracles - Study Group

Fridays, 10am - 12n, in GLC


Led by June Alexander, the group begins each session with a daily devotional, studies from the text, and then uses the workbook to learn how to put what they have studied into practice.


Contact June at: 817-572-2532


Click here to purchase A Course in Miracles on Amazon.




Seeds of Rebirth

Click HERE


Reverend Anne Tabor, M.Div., is available by appointment for spiritual counseling sessions at Unity of Arlington in a safe and supportive environment. As an ordained Unity minister, Rev. Anne, offers spiritual counseling to individuals seeking a deeper under-standing of themselves and their divine power within to solve life's challenges. Spiritual counseling can help if there is a need for inspiration, crisis support, or healing in any area of your life. Prayer and meditation are an integral part of Unity's spiritual principles, and an essential practice in realizing the answers we seek. We believe in the transformative power of affirmative prayer. You are a unique expression of God. Spiritual counseling will remind you of that!


Spiritual counseling is offered on a love offering basis. While no specific fee is expected or suggested, we do invite each person to leave a love offering. For more details, please call the church office 817-467-5151.



Access Daily Word


August 02

August 06

August 06

August 07

August 16

August 20

August 21

August 22

August 22

August 23

August 26

August 28

Sal Monaco

Myrtle Fillmore

Rev. Paul John Roach

NaOra Horton

Rosalie Rogers

Larry Paschall

Mike Garvey

Charles Fillmore

Jerry Pritchett

Diana Terry

Shirley Cobb

Aminia Baruti



If you don't see your birthday included, please let us know and we'll add it to our list!


In July, Unity of Arlington tithed 10% to:


  • Unity World Headquarters
  • Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • Unity South Central Region
  • World Central Kitchen (for Ukraine)
  • World Central Kitchen (for Mideast:Gaza/Israel)


For more information on Unity World Headquarters, click here.

For more information on Unity Worldwide Ministries, click here.

For more information on Unity South Central Region, click here.

For more information on World Central Kitchen, click here.

We are so grateful for your loving commitment to our spiritual community.


Here are ways that you can support Unity of Arlington through your tithes, donations, and love offerings. Recurring giving is a great way to donate through PayPal and Tithely!

  • Give online by clicking here: Donate


  • Text-to-Give through Tithely by texting the word GIVE (with no quotes) to 844-363-7894 and follow the prompts on your phone.


  • Give using the Tithely Mobile App, just download the GREEN Tithely app (not the blue one) from your app store.


  • USPS: mail your check to 3525 S. Bowen Road, Arlington TX 76016. Please remember to include your first and last name, your mailing address, and your cell phone number so we an allocate your contribution accurately. 

Thank you, God!

Phone: 817-467-5151





3525 S. Bowen Rd.

Arlington, TX 76016



11:00am Celebration Service

Sanctuary & Livestream

Facebook Live and YouTube

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