Sunday Services at Unity of Arlington
10:45 am - Prelude Music with Joe Rogers
11:00 am - Celebration Service "Live from the Sanctuary!"
We offer a hybrid service (in-person and online).
Our Sunday Service is streamed online.
General Questions
What can I expect?
When you come to Unity of Arlington for a Sunday service, you will be greeted warmly and embraced in love. Our Sunday service includes live music, prayer, meditation, and a helpful message. We're looking forward to meeting you!
Is there a dress code?
Our service is casual and relaxed. You will see jeans, shorts, dresses, and business casual attire. So, wear something comfortable and join us!
Where do I park?
Our campus is located on 5 acres of land and there's plenty of parking at the front of the church off Bowen Road.
We Welcome all Youth & Families
Please note: Youth & Family Ministry is not currently meeting in-person.
Your family is welcome at Unity of Arlington.
Child Care & youth programming is provided.
If you have children -- including pre-teens and teenagers -- we invite you to bring them to classrooms in the Administration Building for youth service or nursery.
They will engage in inspiring experiential lessons facilitated by trained volunteer teachers and assistants.
Learn more about our youth program now.