Prayer Ministry at Unity of Arlington
In Unity, we practice affirmative prayer.
This is what puts our beliefs to the test. We teach how to pray from the awareness of your Oneness with God. It is the same method our Master Teacher and WayShower, Jesus, taught when he said, “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)
“Be still. Be still. Be still. God in the midst of you is substance. God in the midst of you is love. God in the midst of you is wisdom. Let not your thoughts be given to lack, but let wisdom fill them with the substance and faith of God.” ~ Myrtle Fillmore
How does meditation work with the experience of prayer at Unity?
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey there are spiritual tools you can explore to nurture your divine spirit and create a more prosperous, healthy, and happy life. We create our life experiences through our way of thinking. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) One way to align ourselves with Spirit is through meditations.
Meditation is the conscious direction of one's attention to the inner self. It is quiet thought, reflection, or contemplation. Meditation can unlock your spiritual power and help you fulfill your purpose through a deeper understanding of spiritual principles. You relax your body, breath evenly, and begin to turn your mind inward to the stillness.
Rest in the awareness of your Oneness with God.
Meditation may be guided -- in which a leader speaks positive, uplifting words or intones sound. Meditators let their minds flow with the sound or words in quiet repose. Unity offers many guided meditation resources, both in audio and on video.
Other meditations are not guided, focusing on a mantra or simply clearing thoughts.
Just be aware that no one meditates perfectly; we all sometimes have “monkey mind” -- those busy thoughts that distract us.
That being said, there is no shortcut to spending time in the Silence. The mind may try to divert you from the Silence. But eventually, through practice, the mind takes its natural place to be open and receptive to the still small voice within.
Like a well-tended garden, time in meditation and The Silence yields a powerful crop that can nourish you throughout your lifetime.
With regular practice, you will find peace, hope and real transformation.
Prayer Chaplains at Unity of Arlington
"Here I am, Lord!"
What does it mean to be a Unity of Arlington Prayer Chaplain?
In support of our mission and vision, our Prayer Chaplains are committed to reaching out in prayer, comfort and support to our spiritual community. Prayer Chaplains pray with others on monthly calls made to members, at the end of each service and at other times as requested.
A Prayer Chaplain:
- Creates sacred space and stands solid in Unity Principles
- Practices listening empathically
- Stays “Prayed Up” -- maintaining a personal prayer and meditation practice
- Holds all that is shared in strict confidence.
For more information on becoming a Prayer Chaplain and our Prayer Chaplain Program, please contact the Prayer Chaplain Lead: NaOra Horton.