News from Unity of Arlington
Knowing we are One, we celebrate peace,
compassion, and equality for all.
We empower people to live thriving spiritual lives.
Sunday Series: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams, by Deepak Chopra
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Week 6: "The Law of Detachment"
11am Rev. Anne Tabor
Sanctuary & Livestream
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Week 7: "The Law of Purpose in Life"
11am Rev. Anne Tabor
Sanctuary & Livestream
In-person protocols:
- "Love your neighbor." We invite you to watch online if you're not feeling well and stay home if you've been exposed to COVID.
- Please be mindful and respectful of people's comfort level with regard to physical space and contact.
Have a Happy & Safe Holiday!
Church offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4th. Linda Newberry, our office administrator, will be in the office Wednesday thru Friday, July 5-7, 2023.
Mike Garvey will be performing fifteen minutes of fabulous prelude music on our livestream this Sunday at 10:45am, CT!
Week 6: “The Law of Detachment”
11am, Rev. Anne Tabor
Sanctuary & Livestream
Week 6: In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty … in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, and our willingness to step into the unknown.
Consider this scenario:
"They say detachment is the key to inner peace. Well, I detached myself from my keys, and now I can't find inner peace OR my car!"
Have you ever felt like this?
Sometimes we misunderstand what the law of detachment is and the spiritual practice of how it really works. Join Rev. Anne as she continues her seven-part Sunday Message Series and we learn why Deepak Chopra teaches in his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, that action without attachment to the outcome is THE recipe for success—and—it’s also the secret to creating a life without stress. Who doesn’t want that!
Guest Artist
Sheran Keyton
Week 7: “The Law of Purpose in Life”
11am, Rev. Anne Tabor
Sanctuary & Livestream
Week 7: Everyone has a purpose in life … a unique gift or special talent to give to others.
Are you familiar with the meaning of “dharma”? In Eastern philosophies, it’s a Sanskrit word that means purpose of life. And you have a unique and unrepeatable way of expressing it!
Join Rev. Anne as she concludes her seven-part Sunday Message Series
based on Deepak Chopra’s book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, and learn how asking yourself two questions can help you determine your inherent purpose and calling in life… which is the goal of all goals!
Unity of Arlington
2023 Board of Trustees
Opportunities and Upcoming Events
Join us in Blessing Our Graduates!
We're so proud of these Bright Lights!
(L-R): Ivo Dabelić, Rev. Anne, Eli Strittmatter
Not pictured Emma Perez
The Simple Truth: Part 3
Thursdays: July 13th – August 17th
7pm – 8:30pm CT on ZOOM
Rev. Anne Tabor
Join Rev. Anne for Part 3 of this six-week book study based on the Unity classic, The Simple Truth: Making Sense of God, Life & Other Stuff
by Mary-Alice and Richard Jafolla.
*Registration is now open. Please see details below.
In this course, you will learn a concise, basic understanding of Unity metaphysics in a user-friendly and humorous way. It is perfect for new Truth students or anyone who wants to reflect on Unity spiritual principles.
The Simple Truth includes twenty-four short, stimulating chapters that offer explanations of fundamental spiritual subjects such as the nature of God, spirit, soul, and body; God's laws of cause and effect, of love, and of prosperity; heaven and hell; Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit; the creating power of thoughts and words; prayer and meditation; faith, gratitude, and forgiveness.
This book study is for you if you are ready to engage and participate fully in a practical, inspirational, and fun way to create a better spiritual life.
In Part 3, we will cover these six chapters—one chapter per session:
13 - What About the Bible?
14 - Creating with Thoughts and Words
15 - Yes and No
16 - Always a Blessing
17 - Act—Don’t React!
18 - Judge Not
Online Course: $90 (for all 6 classes!)
We’re on Zoom so you can participate from anywhere!
Please note: Taking Part 1 and 2 is not a prerequisite for Part 3. However, you do need to read chapters 1 thru 12 in the book.
You can find the book through many online outlets such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Half Price Books, eBay, or the Unity Store.
*Registering and paying for the course is a two-step process.
*If you need help to register, please connect with Linda Newberry in the church office. Email: Phone: 817/465-5151
Youth & Family Ministry
Bring your kids and invite them to bring a friend!
We look forward to seeing you!
YFM Director Co-Leaders
Ana Coca: 972/742-0109
Marty Carter: 682/266-8480
For more info about our Youth Program, visit our YFM page:
Hagar's Heart is an Arlington-based non-profit organization that helps women in local domestic violence shelters begin the process of regaining self-worth. Hagar's Heart supports and inspires them to identify how they are seen, worthy, and loved
The organization has a wish list on Amazon of items they need to create special welcome boxes. These "I See You" boxes are stocked with simple but vital items to help the recipient feel welcome immediately upon arrival.
If you would like to help stock the "I See You" boxes, please click on the button below. Your selected items will be mailed directly to Hagar's Heart.
How to Support the
LGBTQIA+ Community
by Sara Crawford
Those of us who are not part of the LGBTQIA+ community may wonder how we can be better allies. I reached out to LGBTQIA+ ministers and congregants in various Unity churches, as well as some friends, artists, and activists outside of Unity, to ask them, “How can I better support the community?”
As you might expect, their responses varied, but I heard some recurring themes. Here are four things I learned about how to offer support to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Dance Fitness Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10am–11am, in GLC
Come experience the joy of movement, the perfect elixir for the body, mind and brain! Tana Monaco will be leading this dance exercise class with a variety of music including Latin, contemporary and oldies. She draws from her dancing avocation that includes 10+ years of teaching experience in aerobic dancing, Zumba and group fitness. She is a certified Zumba and Group Fitness Instructor.
Contact Tana at: 505-690-4332
Like a Miracle - Study Group
Tuesdays, 1:30pm - 3pm, Zoom
Join Rev. Gloria Cox for her book study on Zoom. In this session, they are reading Like a Miracle by Ernest C. Wilson.
Contact Rev. Gloria at: 817-472-5655
Click here to purchase Like a Miracle on Amazon.
A Course in Miracles - Study Group
Fridays, 10am - 12n, in GLC
Led by June Alexander, the group begins each session with a daily devotional, studies from the text, and then uses the workbook to learn how to put what they have studied into practice.
Contact June at: 817-572-2532
Click here to purchase A Course in Miracles on Amazon.
Last Sunday's Message:
"The Law of Intention
and Desire"
Rev. Anne Tabor
Sunday, June 25, 2023
A Celebration
of Freedom
Archived Sunday
Messages and Meditations
Have you missed any of Rev. Anne's Sunday messages or meditations? Or, would you like to hear one again? You can! They are archived on our website,, under the heading "Services." You can also find our Facebook Live Sunday Services archived on our Unity of Arlington Facebook page, as well as on our YouTube channel.
Reverend Anne Tabor, M.Div., is available by appointment for spiritual counseling sessions at Unity of Arlington in a safe and supportive environment. As an ordained Unity minister, Rev. Anne, offers spiritual counseling to individuals seeking a deeper under-standing of themselves and their divine power within to solve life's challenges. Spiritual counseling can help if there is a need for inspiration, crisis support, or healing in any area of your life. Prayer and meditation are an integral part of Unity's spiritual principles, and an essential practice in realizing the answers we seek. We believe in the transformative power of affirmative prayer. You are a unique expression of God. Spiritual counseling will remind you of that!
Spiritual counseling is offered on a love offering basis. While no specific fee is expected or suggested, we do invite each person to leave a love offering. For more details, please call the church office 817-467-5151.
June 1
June 7
June 13
June 20
Penny Ellis
Ane Dabelic
Tim Guillory
Caden Guillory
If you don't see your birthday included, please let us know and we'll add it to our list!
In May, Unity of Arlington tithed 10% to:
- Unity World Headquarters
- Unity Worldwide Ministries
- Daily Word
- EmPower Music
- World Central Kitchen (for Ukraine)
- Hagar's Heart
For more information on Unity World Headquarters, click here.
For more information on Unity Worldwide Ministries, click here.
For more information on Daily Word, click here.
For more information on EmPower Music, click here.
For more information on World Central Kitchen, click here.
For more information on Hagar's Heart, click here.
We are so grateful for your loving commitment to our spiritual community.
Here are ways that you can support Unity of Arlington through your tithes, donations, and love offerings. Recurring giving is a great way to donate through PayPal and Tithely!
- Give online by clicking here: Donate
- Text-to-Give through Tithely by texting the word GIVE (with no quotes) to 844-363-7894 and follow the prompts on your phone.
- Give using the Tithely Mobile App, just download the GREEN Tithely app (not the blue one) from your app store.
- USPS: mail your check to 3525 S. Bowen Road, Arlington TX 76016. Please remember to include your first and last name, your mailing address, and your cell phone number so we an allocate your contribution accurately.
Thank you, God!
Connect with us on Social Media