Newsletter for Friday, May 31, 2024


News from Unity of Arlington

~ May 31, 2024 ~

Rev. Anne Tabor

Senior Minister


A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

Unity of Arlington

3525 S. Bowen Road

Arlington, TX 76016



Knowing we are One, we celebrate peace,

compassion, and equality for all.


We empower people to live thriving spiritual lives.



Sunday Message Series: Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes


Sunday, June 2, 2024

“Everything Happens for a Reason” (really?)

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

*New Member Sunday

Sanctuary & Livestream


Sunday, June 9, 2024

“Let Go and Let God” (really?)

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream

Join us online!

Unity of Arlington Facebook

Unity of Arlington YouTube Channel


  • "Love your neighbor." We invite you to watch online if you're not feeling well and stay home if you've been exposed to COVID.
  • Please be mindful and respectful of people's comfort level with regard to physical space and contact.


Joe Rogers will be performing fifteen minutes of fabulous prelude music on our livestream broadcast this Sunday at 10:45am, CT!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

“Everything Happens for a Reason” (really?)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


Join us for part three of our Sunday Message Series, Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes, as Rev. Anne takes a deep dive into the ever-so-popular phrase, “Everything happens for a reason.”


Now, we’ve all heard it. We’ve probably even said it! While this saying is true in the simplest sense—for example, you tripped over your own two feet while trying to text and walk at the same time—it’s not very comforting when someone chirps it at you when you’re in the middle of a mess. In those moments, you might want to respond with something less than holy!


Instead of relying on platitudes, let’s discover how we can focus on the real, transformative power of strength and grace. Join Rev. Anne to find out how!


Guest Artist

Abel Baldazo

New Member Sunday!

Sunday, June 2, 2024


Join us as Rev. Anne Tabor leads our spiritual community in blessing and installing 6 new members. This is an exciting and sacred event in the life of our new members and Unity of Arlington. Let’s come together to give them a warm welcome with open hearts! There will be a light reception following.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

“Let Go and Let God” (really?)

Sunday, June 9, 2024

11am, Rev. Anne Tabor

Sanctuary & Livestream


We all know that cause and effect exist in our lives. Which is why when we hear the phrase, “Let go and let God” it sounds so sweet—like your Granny’s hug after a rough day! But let’s be honest, even though there’s a kernel of truth in it, when it’s overused, it’s like trying to sprinkle glitter on a mud puddle.


Join Rev. Anne for the conclusion of our Sunday Message Series, Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes, and discover how to use this beloved saying so it feels sincere and supportive, rather than a superficial bypass. Really.


Unity of Arlington

2024 Board of Trustees


Catherine Smith - President (817-929-1368) -

Caroline Jordan - Vice President (214-642-7680) -

Shirley Cobb - Secretary (817-475-5120) -

Brenda Snay Matthew -Treasurer (214-923-9522)

Aminia Baruti - Member (313-912-7763) -

Sal Monaco - Member (505-690-5125) -


*If you have any questions or comments

please reach out to connect with a Board member.


Opportunities and Upcoming Events

Prayer Chaplain Information Mtg

NaOra Horton and Theresa Riggs

Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 1pm


We are all blessed to be called to many areas of sacred service within our church community. Being a prayer chaplain is a calling, a commitment to pray for and with others.


So, what is being a prayer chaplain all about? What does it entail? 


Our prayer chaplains are offering an introductory meeting on Sunday, 

June 2, at 1pm, right after church service. We’ll be serving light refreshments and providing insights into the sacred calling of prayer chaplaincy. If you feel that God might be whispering this calling into your heart, please pick up a brochure for more details and sign up for this introductory meeting.


Prayer Chaplain Co-Leaders

NaOra Horton:

Theresa Riggs:


Sat., June 1, 9am-12noon


Bring your rakes, shovels, and gloves to help clean up and beautify our grounds, especially around the church entry area. This is a fun time for fellowship and LUV in Action.


There are so many ways to be LUV in Action!


If you are not able to sign up in person on Sundays but want to share your time and talents, contact Theresa Riggs, Unity of Arlington Volunteer Coordinator (605-222-8312) for more information.



Thank you to all who helped with the blessing bags for the faculty and staff at Key Elementary. Twelve LUVs gathered at our Garden Lane Center (GLC) to assemble the bags, and several others donated the bags, money, water and chocolates! We enjoyed a tea party and the joy of “doing good” together. The bags were received with big smiles at the school.

How to Show Your Loved Ones You Appreciate Them

by Sara Crawford

One of the best ways to express God is to be an expression of love in the world. When most people think of spreading love on the planet, they think of acts of service. While acts of service are an important way to show love, it’s also important to show gratitude and appreciation to loved ones who are already in our lives—whether they are significant others, children, siblings, parents, friends, or relatives.

Click here to access the full article

2024 Fillmore Festival: 100 Years of Daily Word


Since its first issue on July 1, 1924, Daily Word magazine has been inspiring, uplifting, and comforting readers with messages and affirmations to support their spiritual journey. Now circulating in more than 100 countries and four languages, this pocket-size publication is a spiritual companion for people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds.


The Festival will take place August 22-25, 2024. Leading metaphysicians from the Unity movement will speak to the Truth principles that have been taught in Daily Word through the years.


Enjoy the beautiful Unity Village campus, visit with friends old and new, and honor the flagship publication that has spread the Unity message around the world for a century.

Click here for full Festival details!

You Can Change Someone’s Life

for the Better


We see the survivors of domestic abuse as strong, capable, and worthy of love. Help us to help them see it, too.

Click HERE to go the website to donate

Youth & Family Ministry


We look forward to seeing you!


YFM Co-Directors:

Ana Coca: 972/742-0109

Perla Tolentino: 214/710-5073



For more info about our Youth Program, visit our YFM page:

Visit our YFM page


Dance Fitness Class

No Class Until Further Notice



New Tuesday Book Study

Tuesdays, 1:30pm - 3pm, Zoom


It is not too ate to join the Book Study! Join Rev. Gloria Cox's book-study group

to read Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door: How to Move Gracefully Through Change into Renewed and Abundant Life, by Ellen Debenport, Unity Minister.


As we progress through the book we will learn and act on ways to move beyond the "Hallway." Ellen Debenport describes the Hallway as that place between jobs, relationships, after a death or divorce. This book is about how to make use of your time in the hallway, then walk out into the light.


Please contact Rev. Gloria with any questions. Reserve your place in the class and get the Zoom link by calling her at: 817-472-5655


Click here to purchase Hell in the Hallway... on Amazon.

A Course in Miracles - Study Group

Fridays, 10am - 12n, in GLC


Led by June Alexander, the group begins each session with a daily devotional, studies from the text, and then uses the workbook to learn how to put what they have studied into practice.


Contact June at: 817-572-2532


Click here to purchase A Course in Miracles on Amazon.




Last week's Service:

"God is Good, All the Time" (really?)

Rev. Anne Tabor

May 26, 2024




I Dwell in Divine Peace

Click HERE


Archived Sunday

Messages and Meditations


Have you missed any of Rev. Anne's Sunday messages or meditations? Or, would you like to hear one again? You can! They are archived on our website,, under the heading "Services." You can also find our Facebook Live Sunday Services archived on our  Unity of Arlington Facebook page, as well as on our YouTube channel.

Reverend Anne Tabor, M.Div., is available by appointment for spiritual counseling sessions at Unity of Arlington in a safe and supportive environment. As an ordained Unity minister, Rev. Anne, offers spiritual counseling to individuals seeking a deeper under-standing of themselves and their divine power within to solve life's challenges. Spiritual counseling can help if there is a need for inspiration, crisis support, or healing in any area of your life. Prayer and meditation are an integral part of Unity's spiritual principles, and an essential practice in realizing the answers we seek. We believe in the transformative power of affirmative prayer. You are a unique expression of God. Spiritual counseling will remind you of that!


Spiritual counseling is offered on a love offering basis. While no specific fee is expected or suggested, we do invite each person to leave a love offering. For more details, please call the church office 817-467-5151.



Access Daily Word


 May 1

May 2

May 22

May 30

May 30

Len Ellis

Caroline Jordan

Mary Ortiz

Barbara Fleming

Diana Wallace



If you don't see your birthday included, please let us know and we'll add it to our list!


In April, Unity of Arlington tithed 10% to:


  • Unity World Headquarters
  • Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • Silent Unity
  • Unity South Central Region
  • World Central Kitchen (for Ukraine)
  • World Central Kitchen (for Mideast:Gaza/Israel)
  • SafeHaven of Tarrant County


For more information on Unity World Headquarters, click here.

For more information on Unity Worldwide Ministries, click here.

For more information on Silent Unity, click here.

For more information on Unity South Central Region, click here.

For more information on World Central Kitchen, click here.

For more information on SafeHaven of Tarrant County, click here.

We are so grateful for your loving commitment to our spiritual community.


Here are ways that you can support Unity of Arlington through your tithes, donations, and love offerings. Recurring giving is a great way to donate through PayPal and Tithely!

  • Give online by clicking here: Donate


  • Text-to-Give through Tithely by texting the word GIVE (with no quotes) to 844-363-7894 and follow the prompts on your phone.


  • Give using the Tithely Mobile App, just download the GREEN Tithely app (not the blue one) from your app store.


  • USPS: mail your check to 3525 S. Bowen Road, Arlington TX 76016. Please remember to include your first and last name, your mailing address, and your cell phone number so we an allocate your contribution accurately. 

Thank you, God!

Phone: 817-467-5151





3525 S. Bowen Rd.

Arlington, TX 76016



11:00am Celebration Service

Sanctuary & Livestream

Facebook Live and YouTube

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