"Expect the Best" // Rev. Anne Tabor - September 1st, 2024

"Expect the Best" // Rev. Anne Tabor - September 1st, 2024

“Expect the Best” 

  • Sunday, September 1st, 2024 
  • “Expect the Best”
  • Rev. Anne Tabor

Have you ever prayed for cream but found yourself living a skim-milk life? It’s time to get clear about what you’re praying for and how you’re showing up. In celebration of Unity World Day of Prayer, we’ll dive into the beautiful and surprising nature of prayer and how to make it a meaningful practice. Join Rev. Anne for an honest and uplifting look at prayer and why Spirit within calls you to expect the best—even when life feels a little messy. After all, if you’re going to pray, you might as well go for the full-fat version!

September 1, 2024 Sunday Celebration Service • Rev. Anne Tabor

“Expect the Best”

Listen & Watch

MESSAGE by Rev. Anne Tabor - Sunday, September 1, 2024

MEDITATION by Rev. Anne Tabor - Sunday, September 1, 2024
