Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes ~ “God is Good, All the Time” (really?) -- Rev. Anne Tabor - May 26th, 2024

Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes ~ “God is All Good, all the Time”  (really?) // Rev. Anne Tabor - May 19th, 2024

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  • Sunday, May 26th, 2024 
  • Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes ~  “God is All Good, All the Time” (really?)
  • Rev. Anne Tabor

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong and then someone cheerfully says, "God is good, all the time"? It's like getting a hug and a shove out the door at the same time! While this statement holds a profound Truth, it can also serve as a spiritual Band-Aid. Join Rev. Anne as she takes a deeper look at what this phrase really means and how we can move beyond using it as a quick fix.

Going Beyond Spiritual Platitudes ~ “God is All Good, all the Time”  (really?) // Rev. Anne Tabor - May 19th, 2024

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